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Boarding documents

As you prepare for your trip, check the necessary personal documentation, including accompanying ones, especially minors. On international flights, also check the requirements of vaccines and other rules to stay in the country of destination.


Important! The student ID is not an identification document for boarding.


For domestic and international boarding of minors, it is advisable to always consult the airline in advance and check what the Statute of the Child and Adolescent says, in addition to the requirements of the Childhood and Youth Court of the boarding location. Any divergence from ANAC rules for the boarding of minors prevails the rules defined by the Judiciary.
Following is the list of shipping documents:


Brazilian Adults (domestic flights)
1. Civil identification document, with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory (Examples: RG, CNH, CTPS); or
2. Certified copy of the civil identification document; or
3. Occurrence Report, in case of theft, theft or misplacement of the document, in the validity provided by the security agency.
Brazilian children (up to 12 years old) (domestic flights)
I. Accompanied by parents or guardians (guardian, curator, guardian) - Article 83, caput, of ECA:

  a. Birth Certificate (original or certified copy) or photo ID (such as ID or passport), with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory; and
   b. Document that proves the affiliation or bond with the responsible.
II. Accompanied by grandparents, or relatives over the age of 18, up to the third degree (brothers and uncles) - article 83, § 1b, 1, ECA:
  a. Birth Certificate (original or certified copy) or photo ID (such as ID or passport), with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory; and
   b. Document proving the relationship.
III. Accompanied by an authorized person (other than parents or guardians) - Article 83, § 1, b, 2, ECA:
  a. Birth Certificate (original or certified copy) or photo ID (such as ID or passport), with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory; and
   b. Extrajudicial authorization by the father, mother or guardian.


IV. Unaccompanied by parents, guardians, relatives or authorized older persons - art. 83, caput, of the ECA:
  a. Birth Certificate (original or certified copy) or photo ID (such as ID or passport), with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory; and
   b. Judicial authorization (valid for a maximum of 02 years, according to judicial authority).
Important! Remember that no child (0-12 years old) can travel alone. Some airlines offer travel tracking service within the national territory.


Brazilian teenagers (12 to 15 years old) (domestic flights)
I. Accompanied by parents or guardians (guardian, curator, guardian) - Article 83, caput, of ECA:
   a. Civil identification document with photo (such as ID or passport), with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory; and
     b. Document that proves the affiliation or bond with the responsible.
II. Accompanied by grandparents, or relatives over the age of 18, up to the third degree (brothers and uncles) - Article 83, § 1b, 1, ECA:
   a. Civil identification document with photo (such as ID or passport), with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory; and
     b. Document proving the relationship.
III. Accompanied by an authorized person (other than parents or guardians) - Article 83, § 1, b, 2, of the ECA:
   a. Civil identification document with photo (such as ID or passport), with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory; and
     b. Extrajudicial authorization by the father, mother or guardian.
IV. Unaccompanied by parents, guardians, relatives or authorized older persons - art. 83, caput, of the ECA:
   a. Civil identification document with photo (such as ID or passport), with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory; and
     b. Judicial authorization (valid for a maximum of 02 years, according to judicial authority).
Important! Remember that no child (0 to 16 years old) can travel alone. Some airlines offer travel tracking service within the national territory.


Brazilian teenagers (16-17 years) (domestic flights)

1. Only civil identification photo (such as ID or passport), with public faith and valid throughout the Brazilian territory; or

2. Certified copy of the civil identification document; or

3. Occurrence Report, in case of theft, theft or misplacement of documents, in the validity provided by the security agency.



Foreigners of any age (domestic flights)

1. Passport or Identity Card - CIE (RNE); or

2. Diplomatic / Consular Identities; or

3. Another legal travel document pursuant to Decree No. 5,978 / 2006 or as a result of international agreements signed by Brazil.



Brazilian Adults (International Flights)

1. Valid Brazilian passport, except for Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, where the Civil Identity Card (RG) issued by the State or Federal District Public Security Offices is also accepted;

2. In the event of theft, theft or loss, another Passport must be withdrawn. If you are in foreign territory, look for the Brazilian embassy or other Brazilian diplomatic representation.



Brazilian children and adolescents (0 to 17 years old) (international flights)

I. Accompanied by parents or guardians (guardian, guardian, guardian) - Article 84, I, of the ECA and Article 1, I, of Resolution No. 131 of the CNJ:

   a. Valid Brazilian Passport.



II. Accompanied by only one of the parents - article 84, II, ECA and article 1, II, CNJ Resolution 131:

   a. Valid Brazilian Passport; and
   b. Express authorization of the other parent through a notarized document.

III. Accompanied by larger and capable third parties, designated by the parents - article 84, I, of the ECA and article 1, III, of Resolution No. 131 of the CNJ:

   a. Valid Brazilian Passport; and
   b. Express permission of both parents or guardians through notarized document.



Attention! In the event of theft, theft or loss, another Passport must be withdrawn. If you are in foreign territory, look for the Brazilian embassy or other Brazilian diplomatic representation.



Please note that without prior and express judicial authorization, no Brazilian child or adolescent may leave the country with a foreign resident or domiciled abroad, except if:

   a. The foreigner is the parent of the child or adolescent;

   b. If the child or adolescent born in Brazil has no Brazilian nationality.



Foreigners of any age (international flights)

1. Passport for all; or

2. Civil Identity Card (RG) for citizens of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela.

3. In case of theft, theft or misplacement of documents adopt the rules of Decree No. 5.978 / 2006 or seek the consulate or embassy of your country.


Source: ANAC - National Agency of Civil Aviation, on 10/09/2019




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