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It is the obligation of every employee to:

  • understand and practice the provisions of this Code, maintaining ethical conduct, preserving the name and image of the company;

  • clarify any doubts with the Chief;

  • communicate to the immediate Head or through the electronic address, any situations and/or facts that constitute a violation of this Code.



The Company Leadership, especially due to the dedication of their time, presence, experience and, above all, by their example, has the obligation to contribute so that all employees fully comply with this Code of Ethics. Leadership is responsible for:

  • maintain ethical conduct;

  • understand and ensure the employees' understanding of the Code of Ethics, resolving any doubts regarding actions or situations related to this Code;

  • disclose and raise awareness among employees about the importance and the need to comply with the Code of Ethics, to avoid violations due to lack of information;

  • create a culture to observance of this Code of Ethics and encourage employees to raise questions and concerns regarding its application;

  • not only establish the Policies and Procedures necessary for the proper preservation of the Company's materials, physical and logical, as well as communicate them to employees;

  • make sure that the employee has filled out the “Term of Adhesion and Commitment to the Code of Ethics”, signed it and delivered this document to each employee, and subsequently filed this “Term”;

  • discipline employees as to their conduct, respecting the guidelines described in this Code, Laws and Norms in force;

  • periodically review the Code of Ethics, according to the needs of the Company;

  • analyze suggestions and apply them when feasible;

  • receive information regarding the violation of the Code of Ethics, analyze and make appropriate decisions.

Failure to comply with the Code of Ethics, Policies or Procedures published by will be subject to punishment in accordance with Internal Rules and Brazilian Legislation, and may even result in termination of employment.



In the relations among its employees, the Company expects cordiality in treatment, trust, respect, dignified and honest conduct, regardless of hierarchical position or function.

It is up to each employee to ensure that the others have a work environment free of innuendo or restrictions of any kind, avoiding possible constraints, and hostile practices and moral and sexual harassment are prohibited.

Any conduct that may characterize hostility or moral and/or sexual harassment must be reported to the responsible area. If the occurrence is found, appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken.

The Company does not admit any type of discrimination, whether by age, sex, color, nationality, religious creed, sexual preference, people with special needs, etc.

With a view to the well-being, safety and productivity of employees, possession, consumption or permanence under the influence of illicit drugs and alcohol, in addition to carrying weapons, is not permitted in the workplace; in the latter case, except by expressly authorized persons, responsible for the safety of the Company's people and assets.

The Company does not allow intrusion into employees' private lives, inside or outside the work environment.



Conducting business should be an example of ethical conduct.

All employees must exercise their activities and conduct the Company's business with transparency and observance of laws, good principles, guidelines and internal rules.

Any operation involving the Company must be substantiated, supported by appropriate documents and by all necessary legal formalities.



The Company expects its employees to conduct business relations in compliance with the laws and legal practices of the market (national or countries where it operates), seeking the best results for

The relationship with suppliers must be long-lasting and without prejudice to the principles of free enterprise and fair competition.

The choice and contracting of suppliers must always be based on equitable, technical, professional and ethical criteria, observing the needs of the Company. They must also be conducted through an objective and predefined process, such as competition, formalized price quotation and technical evaluation, which guarantee the best cost-benefit ratio. values ​​the hiring of suppliers that follow ethical standards of conduct and comply with the Brazilian legislation in force. Business with suppliers of dubious reputation or who are known not to comply with the established Laws and Norms must not be carried out.

It is expressly forbidden for all employees to make any improper, doubtful or illegal payments, or favor, by granting undue benefits - outside the usual practices of commerce -, customers and suppliers, to the detriment of the others, as well as making payments, or granting privileges or advantages to public officials or equivalent, either directly or by third parties.

The authorized areas may, at the time of events and in compliance with social etiquette, incur expenses with suppliers, such as lunches and dinners, as long as they are duly proven, respecting the reasonable limits established in the Internal Standard.



Customers are the reason for the Company's existence.

Without ethics as a foundation, there is no lasting relationship.'s decisions regarding its customers will be treated impartially and free from any prejudice, regardless of their nature, ensuring compliance with current legislation and internal policies.

For this reason, employees must maintain the Service Excellence Standard, with the objective of building customer loyalty, using the following standards of conduct:

  • respect for customer rights;

  • transparency in the operations carried out;

  • agility;

  • guarantee of confidentiality of customer information;

  • identification of customer needs and seeking to satisfy them in accordance with the Principles and Policies of, in line with the profitability objectives defined by the CEO;

  • cordial and appropriate receptivity and treatment to the suggestions and criticisms received;

  • maintaining an excellent pre and post-sales relationship;

  • commitment to customer satisfaction.

Relationships and / or friendship cannot interfere in negotiations between customers and employees, generating differentiated service or privilege on the part of the Company.



The competitiveness of products and services marketed by the Company must be exercised based on free and fair competition. The Company does not agree with privileged information practices and good faith manipulation.

It is expressly prohibited to provide strategic, confidential or in any other form, harmful to the Company's business to any third parties, including, but not limited to, competitors.

There should be no statements, verbal or written, that may affect the image of competitors or contribute to the spread of rumors about them. The competitor must be treated with the respect with which the Company expects to be treated.

It is forbidden for any employee to maintain understandings with the Company's competitors in order to fix prices and sales conditions; adopt or influence the adoption of uniform or pre-agreed business conduct; divide markets and subordinate the sale of one product to another.


RELATIONS WITH EMPLOYEES maintains transparency in selection processes to avoid favoring its processes, not only in recruitment and selection but also in professional development and termination. What should be considered is the profile of the candidate/employee and their technical formation. allows hiring employees with a family relationship as long as the candidate meets the requirements of the vacancy.

Decisions regarding employees' professional careers must be made based on performance and technical training, never motivated by personal relationships.

It is not allowed to hire ex-employees dismissed at the initiative of the Company; for former employees who have resigned, the hiring will be evaluated, taking into account the reasons for the resignation. maintains a healthy and safe work environment for its employees, which complies with current legislation and standards.



The Company's relationship with the press, the market and public organisations must be committed to providing consistent and transparent information, respecting ethical principles, current legislation and specific regulations, being carried out only by those responsible, formally delegated by the CEO. will not disclose customer information, except in cases where the persons involved formally provide authorization.

Employees will not be able to give interviews to any press agency or have their image disclosed in matters relating to without having been expressly authorized by the Company's Leadership.

All employees are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of Company confidential information. maintains as a premise the registration of its Reports and Balance Sheets in an integral, consistent manner, in its entirety and with a level of detail that guarantees the transparency of the information. It also has the responsibility to make the accounting books available to audits and public and supervisory organisations.



The transmission of information must be mandatorily related to professional activity, obscene, prejudiced and current messages of any nature are not allowed.

All information produced by, or acquired by it, is considered to be its property, part of its assets, regardless of the form of presentation or storage. This information must be adequately protected. reserves the right to manage information assets, by controlling and monitoring access to the Internet, Intranet, use of e-mail and other sources of electronic information.

The public information of is disclosed on the website Therefore, the transmission of any information or internal documents of a confidential nature, by any type of system, tool or print is not allowed.

Password sharing is prohibited. The passwords of the systems used by are personal and non-transferable. Its custody, secrecy and maintenance are the employee's responsibility.

Telephone, Intranet and Internet users as a means of communication must do so on their own behalf, never on behalf of another person.

Violation of the intellectual rights of third parties and copies of computer software is prohibited without the prior consent of the holders of such rights.



The conflict of interest occurs when an employee influences or may influence a Company decision that results or may result in some personal gain, direct or indirect, for you, your family members or friends.

Employees must ensure that their actions do not conflict with the interests of the Company or cause damage to its image and/or reputation.

Just as an example, here are listed some situations that characterize conflict of interest:

  • have a personal interest that may affect the ability to evaluate a business of interest to the Company;

  • have confidential information that, if used, can bring personal benefits;

  • accept direct or indirect benefits that can be interpreted as retribution or that can serve to obtain a favorable position for the Company in business of interest to third parties;

  • use Company resources to serve particular interests.

The employee faced with any conflict of interest situation must promptly report the incident to the Company Leadership. If the employee does not want to identify himself, he can send an email to

Employees may not participate in activities or associations in which there is or may be a conflict of personal interests with the business interests of the Company.

All employees must protect and ensure the proper and appropriate use of's assets.

Employees must not use company equipment, systems or materials for purposes of particular interest.

The cases of hiring or remunerated activity parallel to the activities of, as long as they do not conflict with the company's business, do not interfere or compromise the employee's performance and working hours, must be analyzed and formally approved by the Company's Leadership .

The sale of raffles, requests for physical or financial resources of personal or private interest, lists or chains, as well as the sale of goods, in the Company's environment is prohibited.



Employees are prohibited from accepting directly or indirectly any type of personal benefit, either in their name or that of their family.

Personal benefits are considered payments in cash or goods, gifts of any value, lunches or dinners, travel or any advantages arising from relationships with suppliers or customers.

The ban extends to any gifts and presents received during the year.

In a situation in which it is not possible to return or refuse a gift immediately, even if sent directly to the home, the employee can only accept it as long as the gifts and/or presents:

  • have no commercial value because they display a brand or advertisement;

  • have an institutional character;

  • can be used and/or publicly disclosed without embarrassing the employee or the company;

  • are within the limit of values ​​established in Internal Procedure.

Giveaways and/or gifts that do not fit into the aforementioned items must be delivered to the Company's Leadership, responsible for allocating them.

On commemorative dates, such as birthday, Christmas, marriage, birth of children, Secretary's Day, among others, it is recommended not to register a “list of values” to maintain free and spontaneous membership.

These guidelines also apply to offering benefits to suppliers and customers.



All employees are responsible for the use, maintenance and protection of the Company's assets, as well as their facilities and equipment. They must ensure its proper and proper use.

Employees may not appropriate assets or resources of the Company, nor use them for their own benefit.

Any removal or use of material, physical goods or equipment belonging to must be done with authorization, otherwise it will be considered an illegal act and subject to the application of the Legislation.



The Code of Business Ethics contemplates the principles that guide the professional attitude and must be respected by all those who, in some way, are professionally linked to the Company.

Failure to comply with any item, as well as the omission of relevant information, will subject employees to disciplinary actions, in accordance with the Internal Rules and Legislation in force.

It is mandatory to inform the Company of any misconduct that contradicts the determinations contained in this Code of Ethics. The anonymity of the complaint will be maintained, and the facts determined for decision making by the Company's Leadership. The signing of the Responsibility and Adhesion Term reflects the free consent and agreement to comply with the Code of Ethics.



I declare that I received a copy, read, understood and agree with the code of, presented to me on the date mentioned below.

I undertake to report in writing, immediately, to the Company's Leadership any situation in which I may be involved and which, in any way, contradicts this Code.

I am aware that, in case I terminate or be dismissed from the company, I must maintain absolute confidentiality about the management and commercial information obtained during the term of my employment contract, under penalty of submitting to the applicable actions provided for by law, in the event of improper disclosure or use of that information.


I then declare, to the best of my knowledge, that:

(    ) I do not incur any situation that contradicts this Code.

(    ) there is the following situation (s) that are contrary to this Code:





Signature: ________________________________________________________________


Full name: ________________________________________________________________


Job title: _________________________________________________________________


Place and date: ___________________________________________________________

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