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These fall into the concept of baggage:

  • New or used goods intended for personal use or consumption, provided that they are compatible with the circumstances of the trip.

  • Other goods, including gifts, provided that they do not exceed quantitative limits and that, by their nature, quantity and variety do not characterize commercial and / or industrial destination.



These are those that, by their nature and quantity, are compatible with the circumstances of the trip:

  • Toiletries and clothing;

  • Manifestly personal property.

Manifestly personal property is property which the traveler may need for his own use, taking into account the circumstances of the trip and his physical condition, as well as portable goods intended for professional activities to be performed during the trip. Examples:

  • A used camera (even if it has a “camcorder” function);

  • A worn wristwatch;

  • A used cell phone, including Smartphone.

The following shall not be considered as manifestly personal property, even if intended for the use of the traveler himself:

  • Machines and apparatus which require some installation for their use, such as a desktop computer, an air conditioner, a video projector;

  • Camcorders and personal computers, including laptops and tablets.

*** Proof of compatibility with travel circumstances may be required, taking into account, among other variables, length of stay abroad.



They are the traveler's other goods, including gifts, subject to payment of the tax, provided they are characterized as baggage.



They are goods belonging to the traveler but which, by normative force, are not part of the baggage concept:

  • Goods above the quantitative limit;

  • Motor vehicles in general, motorcycles, scooters, motor bicycles, boat engines, watercraft, motor homes, aircraft and vessels of all kinds;

  • Parts and components of motor vehicles in general, including tires, motorcycles, scooters, motor bikes, boat engines, watercraft, motor homes, aircraft and boats of all kinds;

  • Goods intended for resale (commercial use) or industrial use;

  • Orders for others;

  • Goods intended for legal entities for subsequent dispatch under the Common Import Regime.



It is one that the traveler carries with him and in the same means of transport in which he travels.



It is considered unaccompanied when brought to the country or shipped abroad in the condition of cargo, supported by bill of lading or document of equivalent effect.

Upon entry to the country, unaccompanied baggage shall:

  • Arrive within 3 (three) months prior to or up to 6 (six) months after the arrival of the traveler; and

  • It comes from the place or one of the traveler's place of origin or origin.



It is the one that is checked as baggage accompanied by the traveler and that arrives in the country without its respective holder, due to the occurrence of unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure, or for errors or omissions beyond the traveler's will.


Source: Traveller's Guide - IRS - Ministry of Economy, 10/09/2019




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